


  • Arduino Uno
  • Motor driver shield
  • Two DC motors
  • Two servo motors
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard

Circuit Diagram:

Arduino Uno
+-- Motor Driver Shield
+-- DC Motors
+-- Servo Motors
+-- Jumper Wires
+-- Breadboard



// Define the motor parameters
const int motorPin = 12;
const int servoPin1 = 9;
const int servoPin2 = 10;

// Create the motor driver object
MotorDriver motorDriver(motorPin, servoPin1, servoPin2);

void setup() {
  // Initialize the motor driver

  // Set the servo angles to the center position
  servoDriver.setAngle(servoPin1, 180);
  servoDriver.setAngle(servoPin2, 180);

void loop() {
  // Make the robot dance
  motorDriver.setSpeed(100); // Adjust the speed as needed

  // Make the robot sing
  motorDriver.setSpeed(50); // Adjust the speed as needed

  // Change the direction
  servoDriver.setAngle(servoPin1, 180 - angle);
  servoDriver.setAngle(servoPin2, 180 + angle);
  angle += 10; // Adjust the angle increment as needed
  if (angle > 360) {
    angle = 0;


  1. Connect the components according to the circuit diagram.
  2. Upload the code to the Arduino Uno.
  3. Adjust the motorPin, servoPin1, and servoPin2 variables to control the motor and servo pins.
  4. Adjust the speed variable to control the robot's movement speed.
  5. You can also adjust the angle variable to control the robot's dance and singing patterns.


  • Use a potentiometer to control the angle of the servo motors.
  • You can add additional features, such as a microphone for singing or a motor for dancing.
  • Experiment with different motor and servo speeds to create different effects.